History of the Department of OVPK: 50-60s of the 20th century

The history of the department is the history of the people who created and worked on it, it is the history of specialists who created, multiplied and, we hope, will multiply the achievements of the publishing and printing industry in the future.

The history of the department began with its creation in Kyiv in 1954. Training and Consulting Point (UCP) of the Moscow Correspondence Polygraphic Institute. In the UCP, classes-consultations were periodically conducted by teachers of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute and the Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute, as well as leading employees of the industry. There was no separate department of economics in the UCP, the defense of diploma projects was carried out in Lviv in the UPI.

In 1957, the UCP was transferred to the Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute (now the Ukrainian Academy of Printing), and in August 1959 the Kyiv Evening Faculty of the UPI was established. I. Fedorov (hereinafter - KVF). With the creation of the KVF, FS Savitsky and AI Barkalova were involved in the teaching of economic cycle disciplines on a full-time basis.

In 1964, a department was formed at the KVF, which brought together specialists in technology and economics of the printing industry. The department was headed by Associate Professor MG Kulag, and in April 1965 IM Nemchenko, who had previously worked at the State Publishing House of the Ukrainian SSR, was appointed head of the department. The staff of the department was in close contact with the departments of the Basic Institute (UPI), from which they received constant assistance.

Specialists were trained in the specialty "Economics and organization of the printing industry", graduates received the qualification of "engineer-economist".

From the first years of training of economists, in addition to thorough knowledge of economic disciplines, students received appropriate training in the technology of printing production, publishing, printing machines.

The increase in the volume of training of specialists led to the expansion of the teaching staff. In the first years of the faculty's activity, a great deal of work on the selection of teachers for the Department of Technology and Economics was carried out by the then Dean of the Faculty of Economics - Professor D. Ya. D. Ya. Shlapak was extremely concerned about the level of knowledge of specialists, looking for ways to improve their training.

One of the leading teachers of economic disciplines was MM Grigorievskaya, who worked at the faculty as a full-time senior lecturer from 1961 to 1969, and later, until 1978, part-time. An experienced practitioner, she headed the planning department of one of Kyiv's printing companies for a long time, so she passed on her experience and knowledge to future specialists.

Among the teachers of technological disciplines of the first years of the faculty it is necessary to note associate professor IM Nemchenko, who before the transition to KVF worked in the State Publishing House of the USSR, associate professor VG Lytvyn, who was previously chief engineer of the Kiev Book Factory.